Make Work Easy With Speech Recognition!!
Speech Recognition is basically computer software or a hardware device that can decode the human voice. It’s commonly used to perform commands, operate a device or write without having to use a mouse, keyboard or press any buttons.
It goes even further these days and can totally automate a phone call. Software can now answer incoming calls and route calls. It can handle simple calls and enable customers to guide themselves into finding the answers they require.
• With speech recognition software, become a lot more productive – you’ll be able to get your PC/Mac work done much more quickly
Most of us can dictate at least 3 times faster than we can type!
• It’s like having your own Personal Assistant available 24/7!
Benefit from immediate transcription results – no more waiting for your work to be typed. In the business world, time is money, and speech recognition software improves turnaround time when it comes to reports and transcription. Rather than waiting 24 to 48 hours for traditional transcription, using speech recognition software can have the report completed in minutes, in many cases. This parallels the reduced cost benefit of speech recognition software. With speech recognition software, a transcriptionist’s expertise is not required to type each report. Rather, he or she simply reviews the report generated by the speech recognition software, which takes much less time.