Happy developers equal happy customers

A company’s greatest competitive advantage is its ability to deliver a great customer experience. And that starts with a happy software development team.

In today’s digital, technology-driven marketplace, a company’s greatest competitive advantage is its ability to offer an incredible customer experience. But delivering that starts in what, on first blush, seems like an unlikely place: with your software development teams.

That means you’re not delivering on customers’ needs and demands as well as you could, and that’s a huge problem.

Keeping your software developers happy, engaged and working productively has a direct correlation to the happiness of your customers, Law says, and that leads to better business outcomes.

Happy, engaged software developers can produce high-quality results, which impacts everyone else involved in the development, delivery, marketing and sales of the product, too. It’s a lot easier to market and sell a quality product that fulfills a customer need, and it’s a lot more attractive to the market.